Post 2: The Best Holidays / Concert Ever. (Due to week starting 27th Sept.)


Blog post 2
Students can choose one of the topics below.

Topic: The best holidays ever
·     When was it?
·     Where did you go?
·     How long was it?
·     Who did you go with?
·     What activities did you do?
·     Why was it the best so far
·     Add any other relevant info
Upload pictures
Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post
Word Count: 170 words

Topic: The best concert ever
·     When / where was it?
·     Which artist or music group?
·     Add info about the artist
·     Describe the atmosphere during the event
·     Describe how they felt and why they enjoyed it
·     Add any other memories about it
Upload pictures
Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post
Word Count: 170 words



The best Holiday/Concert I’ve had                        

This is a hard, because, believe it or not: I have NEVER been to a concert!; I’ve always been reluctant to big crowds, adding the fact that I am always part of the group of the shortest people in a crowd; I have never dared going to a big venue, thinking I am preventing myself from not being able to see anything on stage, and/or being smashed by the attendees.

Having said that, I will tell you about my best holiday ever, and even though I haven’t had many superb holidays, because most of time I prefer visiting my family more tan anything else, I have had some memorable ones.

It was the year 2009, if I don’t remember incorrectly; and I was under big stress because I had had several problems at my job. Anyway, to make a long story short, I dropped by the place I used to work for and they told me: “here you are”… it was a NICE, FAT Christmas bonus.
That day, I was with a friend of mine who was leaving on a tour that same afternoon, and after hearing that I had received my present, she shouted at me, from the entrance: “Man!!!! Let’s go together!!!”….

Two hours later, we were travelling around 3 regions, we meant to tour as much as possible, getting to see idilic landscapes and also, both being teachers, we wanted to share with the locals and not visiting the typical touristic places.

The tour went over the 8th, 9th, 10th, and partly, 11th regions, we spent nearly 3 weeks travelling, and from that improvised adventure, there are many stories we can tell, and another thousand anecdotes, I cannot let you know in this blog entry’s extension.



  1. Hi teacher!! Have your vacations trained. This is life now or never. I was intrigued with the ending, I hope the anecdote continues...

  2. Hi teacher! I can't believe he's never been to a concert! you should try it when everything is back to "normal", especially an event that is in an open place. What music you like?

  3. Hi teacher! I imagine that you travelled a lot of hours, didn't you get tired in some point? I hope that in an another moment you can visit other regions again!

    - Eric Monrroy Correa

  4. Hello teacher, little by little and with the help of friends the fear of concerts is overcome, it also helps other locations that are in height. He is told by an elf who is five feet tall hahaha

  5. That trip sounds amazing! I think 3 weeks of travel is plenty of time to see places and then relax and reenergize. You did the perfect balance

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  8. What a great experience professor! And I also can't believe I haven't been to a concert! Now is the perfect time for you to have that experience with small crowds :)

  9. Hi teacher, the south of Chile is a beautiful place to go, its full of beautiful landscapes.
    I hope you can visit it again and discover new destinations.

  10. Hello teacher!!! this travel sounds incredible, it was literally a embark on adventure.

  11. Hi Teacher. Sometimes the most beautiful vacations are when they are not organized so much. I hope that soon you can tell us the stories of his travel.

  12. Hi teacher!, I´m happy that your holiday it was a great adventure, even though Chile is an expensive country to visit, it´s always worth it. I hope you can have other adventures in the future!.

  13. Hello professor, I think it is an excellent decision to have impromptu trips, especially when it comes to traveling around Chile, a beautiful country. I hope that someday you will tell us those anecdotes.

  14. Hello Teacher, that was a really nice holidays, three weeks getting to know different regions, landscapes and people, it must have been quite an experience.

  15. Hi Teacher, I have never traveled with friends, but it has been an idea that we have always in mind. I think it doesn't matter where you go, if you go with friends it will be amazing.

  16. Hi teacher! I honestly got very happy reading your adventure, I think that these kind of opportunities don´t happen frequently. And about the fact that you never been to a concert it´s unbelievable, you should go some day!

  17. Woow, Teacher, it's a very cool story!
    I think it is very magnificent the decision you made to travel for a long time to know several regions and places. How nice it would be to have a vacation of that style!
    I hope one day to have the same luck as you, I consider that in the south of Chile are the most beautiful places in our country.

  18. Hi teacher, what a good experience! Traveling through Chile is very beautiful, I love the idea what share with the locals because they can teach a lot and that it is something you can´t get from anywhere else

  19. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  20. Travelling across chilean regions and south american cities are a really good idea! Your post sounds cool, I would like to travel like you and live a similiar story in a future!

  21. I think that unexpected trips are a very cool experience and also the trip that you made is a dream! How great to live it with a friend

  22. Hi teacher! I imagine your trip very pleasant and fun. It is very interesting to meet local people and places far from tourist places, because you learn much more about the culture and way of life.

  23. Hi teacher!
    Your travel sounds exciting!! You visited my favorites regions of Chile, the south of our country is really Wonderfull.
    PD: I can't believe that you never has been in a concert.

  24. You will always have the good memories that you made traveling through Chile!!! I hope you can tell us more of your anecdotes in your next posts xoxo.
    -Camila Calderón

  25. wow that trip sound exhausting but wonderful

  26. hi teacher
    What a great journey so unexpected and long. I hope I can make one like that.

  27. Hello teacher, how interesting that you were so brave and decided to travel without a fixed course.

  28. wow that trip sounds fun, well after all the bad it had a good thing

  29. Wow! Sounds like a trip I would take with my friends

  30. hi teacher, that´s an amazing trip, the ones with friends are the best!

  31. Teacher, I can't believe you've never been to a concert! While you're right that being short in stature can be a bit of a "problem", that should never be a deterrent to experiencing something, I hope you try going to a concert someday!

  32. Dear teacher, I hope you can go to a concert someday. It is an amazing experience!! And WOW, I am too anxious to not make a whole plan about a trip, I am glad that you could do it :)

  33. Hi teacher, his three-week trip seems incredible to me, without a doubt traveling to the south of the country is a great experience.

  34. What a good trip had teacher and you have lucky to go to your old job and be received that way. But, I hope that in the future you will go to a concert.

  35. Hi teacher! Its amazing to travel with friends and for three weeks I imagine it is a such a wonderfull experience! I would love to do that one day with my friends.

  36. Dear teacher, about the concerts: just live fast die young. Heil the youth. The adventure that you describe with your friend is also charming, I could see through your writting all the landscapes. That´s sweet.

  37. Re-comment: Dear teacher, about the concerts: just live fast die young. Heil the youth. The adventure that you describe with your friend is also charming, I could see through your writting all the landscapes. That´s sweet.

  38. Wow teacher, abou concerts; I think these are an extraordinary experience, you should go see your favorite bands as soon as possible!!

  39. Wauu, i didn’t go to a concert. I only went to imagine dragons concert because a guy invited me, but i really didn’t like them

  40. Hello teacher, I would like to have an adventure like this

  41. Hi teacher, that was an amazing holidays, I hope you can repeat that experience again.

  42. Hi teacher, that sounds like an great holidays!

  43. Hello teacher. I would very much like to have a friend who goes on tour and accompany her haha

  44. wow teacher, what amazing trip! I never had an experience like that

  45. So spontaneous, i love those kind of trips. I'm glad that you made it teacher, have a good day.

  46. hello teacher!! I just wanna say I think that road trips are super fun, maybe also exhausting, but are a unique experience.

  47. what a great adventure! and even better if it's with a friend!

  48. this travel sounds incredible, I think I've never been in a concert too

  49. Hello teacher! I'm sorry I've never been to a concert and I hope to have that opportunity soon! What artist or band would you like to see live?

    One of my dreams is to see David Gilmour live !!!!!

  50. What an amazing trip! i reale want to know the full story about it

  51. OMG! I can’t believe you’ve never been to a concert before! Anyways, that trip you talked about sounds amazing.

  52. The story sounds like a very good trip, I hope we will ever know the full story.

  53. Wow! Nice story, I think the best experiences are unforeseen. Also I'm very short too, so I understand you a lot about concerts! Hahaha

  54. Hi teacher! Your trip sounds amazing, Chile is a very beautiful country that all chileans should know. And I hope you'll go to a concert one day, I don't like big crowds either, but it's a very nice experience.

  55. I think it is very cool to travel around the country, especially if it is to travel to the south of Chile, what place in the 8th region did you visit?

  56. Hi! What an entertaining story! I would love to have an experience like that, making the decision to travel from one time to another is totally adventurous, I love it haha.

  57. Hi teacher! I really recommend that you go to a show in the gallery, where you can be sitted and won't risk any danger to enjoy a show.
    I would also really like to travel through Chile like that! I've only known the south, and not all of it.

  58. touring Chile is always one of the best options for vacations. That's for sure!

  59. Hello Professor! It sounds like a lot of fun, sometimes the best adventures are the improvised ones.

  60. Even though i prefer the north of chile, i also have visited that regions before, and are trully magestic. The views, the nature, the weather. Mmmmh, while writting this give and urge to go there again may be this holydays jeje


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