Post 5: (These instructions are meant for English 4, Section 5 (Tuesdays-Wednesdays) at ICEI

 Post 5: Education in times of Strikes.


Education Issues around the world

 1-      Select the country of your choice and say why you chose the place.

2-      Make research about the recent history and find out about 3 big issues in education. 

3-      Make research on the important issues claimed in the educational field and inform how deep and far those problems affect those societies.

Word-count: 210 words.

- Comments: Leave a comment on the Teacher's post + 3 of your classmates posts



I feel I have been a student all my life and just after graduating I became a teacher so one could say that inevitably I have been involved in the educational field all my life. And even since the moment I started teaching, due to my profession itself, there has not been a single year I haven't pursued studies. In fact this semester in particular I am studying a Diploma in Gender Studies so I could also claim I have become a sort of permanent student-teacher. 

In all these years, firstly as an undergraduate student an now as an academic, I have seen educational struggle affect directly my professional (and needless to say, personal) life. In fact, when the Penguin Revolution started back in the 2006, it inspired me so much that so as to get graduated, during the period of 2006-2007 I decided to write my first thesis project on the issue of "Revolución Pinguina" because it was so big as a strike and it was so transversally supported that the analysis of this revolt granted me my first degree as a linguist.

Years after, once graduated and in the years previous to me teaching here at uni, we saw the rise of the 2011 Educational Revolution on which many, very many higher education students hit the streets in revolt, claiming for improvements in education. And guess what, alongside the students it was their teachers supporting the claims for the improvement of the quality of education. Not only teachers but also all the rest of society including the Health System Associations, Lawyers, Secretaries, Cleaning workers, Farmers, Fishermen, Drivers, Banking Institutions and Unions, etc. because the topic, well, basically it was important for their kids, for their sons and daughters, for their grandchildren and beyond. It's something that still inspires me: to see grandparents marching hand in hand along their offspring just because they know, after having lived a whole lifetime, that the only everlasting gift is education and access to knowledge.

Today, within the most turbulent times we have ever lived in my generation (I was only 4 years old when the si/no election took place, so I couldn't really say I lived the violence of the dictatorship times in the flesh), we are facing a new process of strike and all society has been called upon support to the cause. My students, as a whole, have risen in support of this educational field strike and voted in favour of backing up the demonstration against the presidential veto passed to a law which was meant to protect the working conditions of educational workers, and in the light of such claims, as class we have agreed on that today's blog was going to be about making some research about how educational issues affect societies in other countries.

As an educator, I believe these instances of great importance since they give the future professionals instances of reflection and tools to have a wide and critical perspective of social matters and from that point of view stimulate in the future leaders a transformational perspective from well ground knowledge.


  1. Hi Teacher! Your post about the Penguin Revolution of Chile and the educative riots of 2011 was very interesting! All that events happened when I was little, so I forgot a lot of that. Thank you for expose and reflect about the importance of education and learning.

  2. wow what a thrill to have seen the penguin revolution and how all those students and teachers were fighting for a decent education

  3. Hi teacher! thank you for sharing with us your experiences and thoughts regarding the student movement, these types of reflections are necessary to advance in our society.


  4. I always keep in mind the milestones of the penguin revolution, it is interesting how above all other struggles, the student struggle is outstanding, especially from the "return to democracy" period in which we still live.

  5. How cool it must have been part of the Penguin Revolution!

  6. Hi, Teacher!
    The Penguin Revolution was a very important milestone for Chilean education, so I find it too really cool that you have written your thesis on that subject.
    It would be great if you could tell us more about your thesis in classes to learn more about it!

  7. hello teacher, I feel so close to the protests and strikes, especially from the teachers because my mother is a teacher in a public school. Teachers are often not appreciated by parents, students, or the government. Through protests and strikes, they seek to have the respect they deserve and respect for education.

  8. Hello professor, thank you for the information and opinion of the Chilean student mobilizations.

  9. Hi teacher, thank u for share all of this with us. What a big experience!

  10. it would be very interesting to read your thesis professor!

  11. Hi, the work of the teacher is very important rol in our society, I really like your experiencia, I very thankfull for sharing it with us.

  12. the revolution of the penguins definitely created a change in all of Chile and it will be something that will mark history forever

  13. Hi teacher! I think the penguin revolution was very important for the education in Chile!


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