

  LEVEL 4 - Post 7  CHANGES TO MY STUDY PROGRAMME Write about some changes that could be made to your study programme (career) Among others, think about: > The curriculum (the subjects you have to study) > Workload and length of studies > Faculty facilities (buildings and infrastructure) > Use of technology > Teaching methods - Word Count: 230 - Leave comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts and on your teacher's as well. __________________________________________________________________________ There are many things I would have changed from my study programme back when I was studying English Linguistics, and even though I think all the things I studied have been of great use all these years, I believe there are even more issues and topics I would have liked to revise. First thing, I had several history courses, all of them were related to (obviously) Anglo-Saxon history and only one about national reality, I would have liked to study more from the connection of...

Post 6 : Time travel to the future

   Blog post 6 Topic: Time travel to the future Instructions: Where would you like to go? Why? What time in the future? Would you like to stay there? Why/Why not? Upload pictures Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts + a comment on your teacher's post Word Count: 220 words Chile in the 2057! I’m someone who suffers from a big deal of anxiety, so I’ve never had a particular obsession for the future in particular, and even though I like day dreaming I tend to think over past times... but since I need to take the challenge I’d say I would like to explore Latinamerica, particularly Chile in some 36 years from now. This year I turned 36 and for that I would like to see the country by the time I double my age.  Today I learnt through social media that the President of the Constitutional Convention is a woman and also Mapuche, and guess what! She’s also a Language Teacher colleague. And now having witnessed that historic moment - I need to recognize, I never, either as a ...

Post 5 (these instructions are meant for sections 1 on Mondays and section 2 on Wednesdays)

 Disclaimer: The following are the instructions for post 5 only for section 1 (with classes on Mondays) and section 2 (with classes on Wednesdays) at ICEI. Post 5- My Future Job - What kind of job would you like to have? How do you imagine it? - In an office? - Outdoors /indoors? - Would you like to travel a lot in your job? - What major are you studying / are you thinking of taking?      Explain why - Add any other related ideas. - Make comments on 3 of your classmates’ posts and on the Teacher's too. - Word Count: 210 words I studied English Linguistics, and I always thought "what would my future job be?". And here I am!!  As a youngster I always wanted to have a job that it's  fun, light, and easy to do job, but always wanted to be with people, so now I think I took the best option. From all the many areas I could work in, I always wanted something neither too-much outdoors nor indoors, furthermore I wanted something that would produce some kind of ...

Post 5: (These instructions are meant for English 4, Section 5 (Tuesdays-Wednesdays) at ICEI

 Post 5: Education in times of Strikes. Instructions: Education Issues around the world   1-       Select the country of your choice and say why you chose the place. 2-       Make research about the recent history and find out about 3 big issues in education.  3-       Make research on the important issues claimed in the educational field and inform how deep and far those problems affect those societies. Word-count: 210 words. - Comments: Leave a comment on the Teacher's post + 3 of your classmates posts __________________________________________________ Example: I feel I have been a student all my life and just after graduating I became a teacher so one could say that inevitably I have been involved in the educational field all my life. And even since the moment I started teaching, due to my profession itself, there has not been a single year I haven't pursued studies. In fact this semester in p...

Post 6: My Pets

For our last post, we'll talk about our pets. Cover the following topics: - How did you get it and what is it? - What Characteristics does it have? - What importance does it have in your life? * In case you do not have a pet, let us know about someone you love who owns a pet. - Comments: Leave a comment on the Teacher's post + 3 of your classmates posts - Word Count: 240  words _______________________________________________________________ Years ago I got Dulce, and I guess a many of my former and current students already know about her. I also guess time has gone by and since the Covid crisis began things have changed in many aspects, or well, so I guess. One of the big changes of life in the times of Covid-19 has been that along with Dulce we came to live down the countryside in the Bio Bio region. A lovely, though quite cold place. Quite green as well, yet the growth of the forestry industry has done its thing,  As I came here I needed to improve the quality of soil becaus...

Post 4 (04-10)

As a class, we've decided to talk about our pets. Cover the following topics: - How did you get it and what is it? - What Characteristics does it have? - What importance does it have in your life? * In case you do not have a pet, let us know about someone you love who owns a pet. - Comments: Leave a comment on the Teacher's post + 3 of your classmates posts - Word Count: 180  words _______________________________________________________________   My Pet . A several years ago I adopted  Dulce Luna Primorosa Masías   at an “Adoption Session” sponsored by  Garras y Patas  Foundation.  There I found Dulce, a very beautiful, two-year-old, female stray (or mongrel) dog. She is a mixed dog and before we came across with each other, she had been given for adoption because her previous owner had got very ill and  could no longer take care of her. Luckily, she didn’t spend too much time waiting for someone to take care of her! She is was a "mature" dog...

Post 3: Childhood Series (Week Starting 27-09)

  Childhood Series. You have to structure a text telling us about the TV Shows you used to watch, as a child.   - Comment on your teacher's post and also make a comment on 3 of your classmates' posts - Word Count for this post : 180 words   Example: Childhood Series Believe it or not, when I was a child there weren't many series on TV, besides, I used to live in the 8th region, in a lost town in the middle of nowhere and we did not receive much technology nor state of the art cinema, theatre, cultural venues, etc. It was the late 80's and national TV was the only option available, and consequently, the very limited programmatic grid they offered and the series that you could see were quite classical, the typical Disney style, with Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse and my favourite: Goofy. I cannot tell you that I really remember their adventures on screen, because I was less than 5 years old, but I do remember having felt very proud after receiving positive appraisal from my...